Earnings Disclaimer
For Inner Soul Healing & Recovery Solutions, LLC, Inner Soul Healing & Recovery Solutions, Inner Soul Healing & Recovery Solutions Alliances, and any related membership services.
Please don’t interpret offers, content or statements as a promise of future earnings. Most people rarely get results they hope for because they often don’t know where to start and are overwhelmed. We can help alleviate some of the stress and pressure of doing it alone and can provide direction, access and counsel not available anywhere else. We’re going to include this statement so we’ve made no promises about the results you can or will achieve by taking any program or resource offer by us, our organization or any related parties offer.
Achieving results takes a great deal of effort, commitment and involves struggle. You are solely responsible for the way you decide to use materials, discussions, contents and other resources we provide, it’s application, interpretation, the outcome that may or may not happen, whether positive or negative, whether profits or losses, and you understand that they may not be suitable for your circumstances and may result in significant financial losses.
By using any of our services, programs, templates, courses, membership services or other materials you additionally agree to release and hold harmless Inner Soul Healing & Recovery Solutions, LLC, Joanne L. Barian, Inner Soul Healing & Recovery Solutions, Inner Soul Healing & Recovery Solutions Alliance, companies incorporated by them, their stockholders, directors, agents, employees or assigns from any and all liability or warranty for any purpose whatsoever, including any liability for financial losses, loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including, by not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.